Our devices make alternative energy sources more accessible and efficient.
Power Line Communication (PLC) and Hybrid Network Solutions by Semitech
We are experts in designing cost-effective robust PLC/RF communication systems
Our devices provide the most adaptable multi-modal communication solutions wirelessly and over power lines to address the diverse requirements of the Industrial IoT market, while avoiding the cost and complexity of additional wiring – Connecting Everything Everywhere!

The SM2400 System chip is broadly applicable Narrowband Communication platform. Semitech has developed multiple standard protocols for the chip, and additional customer legacy or custom protocols are possible.

Semitech has developed and made available a catalogue of turnkey board modules for various metering and vehicle applications.

The algorithms and core IP embedded in the SM2400 and Modules can be licensed to embed in customer specific implementations.

Industrial IoT
Enabling communications over AC/DC power lines for monitoring and controlling devices and applications.
- Battery chargers
- Irrigation systems
- Production line equipment
- Solar inverters

Smart Grid
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) is the process of reading meters remotely without needing to be physically at the meter.
- Electricity meters
- Gas & water meters
- Medium Voltage connectivity
- Home displays

Transportation & V2G
In-vehicle and to-vehicle communication provides increased safety, reliability and cost management to vehicle and fleet owners.
- Battery management systems
- Driver ID and sensor reading
- ABS system reading
- EV charging

Alternative Energy
Our solutions enable energy customers to design efficient and sustainable alternative energy solutions.
- Solar
- Wind
- Electrical Grid
- Electrical Grid
- EV Charging Stations

Smart Lighting
Streetlights are among a city’s most important assets, providing safe roads, inviting public areas, and enhanced security in homes,
- Street lighting
- Venue lighting
- Emergency lighting
- LED control systems
- Airfield lighting
Introducing the SM2400
The SM2400 is the ultimate Narrowband PLC modem SoC. The chip is optimized for high performance and cost efficiency while providing a high degree of programmability to address multiple standard based and proprietary communications schemes and thereby usable in a diverse set of applications.
Reliable communication in harsh noise environments
“Boutique-style” customer-oriented approach and extensive evaluation and development tools

Custom algorithms and tailored solutions for customer applications
Fast time to market and cost-effective system design
What Can We Help You Build?
Our engineers have extensive experience designing cost effective, robust communication across various media across a variety of applications. How can we help you innovate?