An evaluation kit for the SM2400 universal Narrowband Power Line Communication (NPLC) modem, which is esigned to evaluate and develop various SM2400-based N-PLC solutions, including all major OFDM based N-PLC standards, such as PRIME, G3-PLC and IEEE 1901.2, as well as proprietary modes by loading different firmware versions.
Development Tools & Kits from Semitech

SM9420 EVK
- Mini USB connection
- IEC power connection
- Inbuilt power line coupling circuit
- Plug-in PLC module included
- A complete node solution – no external components are needed.
- Evaluation multi popular narrowband OFDM PLC standards using the same device
- Facilitates easy implementation of your product as the PLC module design and BOM are available to customers
- Smart Grid
- Streetlight Control
- Home Automation

SM2400 Industrial Module EVK
An evaluation kit for the SM2400 universal Narrowband Power Line Communication (NPLC) modem, which is esigned to evaluate and develop various SM2400-based N-PLC solutions, including all major OFDM based N-PLC standards, such as PRIME, G3-PLC and IEEE 1901.2, as well as proprietary modes by loading different firmware versions.
- Mini USB connection
- IEC power connection
- Inbuilt power line coupling circuit
- Plug-in PLC module included
- A complete node solution – no external components are needed.
- Evaluation multi popular narrowband OFDM PLC standards using the same device
- Facilitates easy implementation of your product as the PLC module design and BOM are available to customers
- Smart Grid
- Streetlight Control
- Home Automation

SM2400 Hybrid PLC+RF Evaluation Board
An evaluation kit for the SM2400 universal Narrowband Power Line Communication (NPLC) modem, which is esigned to evaluate and develop various SM2400-based N-PLC solutions, including all major OFDM based N-PLC standards, such as PRIME, G3-PLC and IEEE 1901.2, as well as proprietary modes by loading different firmware versions.
- Includes a PC-based GUI application (SM2400Control.exe) that enables comprehensive configuration and control of the SM2400 modem and monitoring/testing of the communication performance.
- Software offerings includes PRIME PHY/MAC, G3 PHY/MAC/ASL, IEEE 1901.2 PHY/MAC/ASL and XXR PHY/SMESH MAC. Each such offering is a separate build that can be downloaded to the EVK via the SM2400Control GUI.
- Mini USB connection
- IEC power connection
- Inbuilt power line coupling circuit
- Plug-in PLC module included
- A complete node solution – no external components are needed.
- Evaluation multi popular narrowband OFDM PLC standards using the same device
- Facilitates easy implementation of your product as the PLC module design and BOM are available to customers
- Smart Grid
- Streetlight Control
- Home Automation

Documents & Downloads
SM2400 Data Sheet
Data Sheet -
SM2400 EVK User Guide
APP Note -
SM2400 Industrial PLC Module
APP Note -
SM2400 PLC4TRUCKS Module
APP Note -
MIKROE N-PLC Click Board User Guide
APP Note -
SM2400 Bootloader User Guide
APP Note -
G3 Interconnections Guide
APP Note -
Hybrid PLC + RF EVK Quick Start Guide
APP Note -
Python Scripts
APP Note
SM2400Control GUI
v21.11.0 -
G3-PLC Firmware (CEN-A, CEN-B, FCC)
v21.11.0 -
6662 -
IEEE Firmware (All bands)
v21.11.0 -
XXR Passthrough Firmware
v21.11.0 -
PLC-4-Truck Firmware
v21.11.0 -
GUI for MikroE N-PLC Click board
7803 -
Firmware for MikroE N-PLC Click board
G3 7651 / XXR 8487 -
Python Scripts – Host examples for using XXR, P4T and GI
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